8. Your Airfield is completed!
Here you can find some shots of the diorama I created following the steps described in this article. I hope it could be useful for all readers and, possibly, even inspiring. Please, feel free to express your opinion by leaving a comment; good luck with your work!

My airfield completed.
Photographic sources
- Author’s photographs
- https://mediacentre.stanstedairport.com/in-pictures-london-stansted-airport–through-the-years/
- https://airandspace.si.edu/multimedia-gallery/soviet-ilyushin-il-2-nasm-20009-12008
- https://www.worldwarphotos.info/
- https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Japanese_aircraft_at_an_airfield_near_Kyoto,_Japan,_in_September_1945_%28193869396%29.jpg
2 commenti
Alessandro, thank you for this article, it contains most of what is needed for constructing a model airfield in one place, nicely done. I am atempting to start my first model base. It will be for a 1/72 Me 262B-1a and I have read quite a few articles on such, both the plane and the diorama. The pictures at the beginning are very helpful for the exact reason you call out. From your Who Am I below,” I am a fanatic of precision and, to me, nothing should be left to chance: I want my models to be the result of a real historical study.” You might as well be describing me, I probably spend several months researching before actually pulling the glue out. The aircraft I am building this for is the only remaining German built Me 262B-1a, WNm 110639, only as in there are no others. I am building it as the two seat trainer after some scratch building. All kits I have seen have it modelled as the night fighter which has a different rear cockpit. It is set up for the radar operator and in its trainer from this is where the instructor pilot sits. This plane is currently located at the National Naval Aviation Museum at Naval Air Station Pensacola, FL, USA. Again thank you.
Dear Joe,
Thank you for writing. I am glad my article has been of some help to build your model, and I am even happier to know that other modelers like me spend so much time reserching information about a certain subject before building it. That is pretty much what I do every time I begin a new model. The night fighter version of the Me 262 is a beautiful aircraft, personally, I really like its particular camouflage: a great choice!
Forgive me for not answering your comment right away, again, thank you for sharing your thoughts about my article, I always appreciate it.
I hope the work with your airfield is proceeding well, I wish you all the best.
Best regards,
Alessandro Orseniga